Zonze Phone is the new virtual player in the ever-competitive smart mobile market whose unique selling point is about prioritizing targeted technological breakthroughs according to the requests by its fan community.

It's a niche product tailored for a focused but vibrant geek community. One of its key agenda is to lead a unique voice in smartphone technology by corresponding 4 fundamental challenges proactively in preparation for the 5G revolution.

The key term "ON" illustrates precisely such a proactive attitude from the working team and community. In simple words, to make things truly happen we shall all possess an "ON" attitude towards the unknown or the exciting ahead.

A transitional and ideal mobile communication of the future would always be depended on how far we reach (The World),  how fast we achieve (The Move), how clear we receive (The Sound), and how deep we dive into (The Journey) while pioneering network technologies. These are the 4 challenges Zonze Phone would always be cracking for its community regardless of the time.

The visual system precisely reflects the above connotations of the brand by vividly exploring "ON" as a versatile symbol for all 4 dimensions of mobile challenges. The base pattern, on the other hand, is to show homage to the famous Morse Code.  

Client : Zonze Phone
Visual Design : Quinn Xue

Zonze Phone


Zonze Phone
